Here we go again....

In 2008, I was diagnosed with DCIS, the precursor to "REAL" breast cancer. Being young, I decided to take a very aggressive approach to this and opted for a bi-lateral mastectomy with reconstruction. No radiation, no chemo., no hormones & only a 1 % chance of reoccurance, seemed like a good percentage at the time, but not so much these days.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

New Henna & short update

Shelly & Chloe did new Henna today poolside. All freehand, all amazing. Thank you ladies, just had to share.

Had a restlessness sleeping with the heat last night. Felt like I might be having some joint pain in my knees which also kept me awake a bit, even felt discomfort in my pelvis, weird, but not horrible, just uncomfortable. Woke up with a bad belly and have had it all day, think it is probably constipation. Still taking colace everyday to stay normal, along with lots of water and fruits and veggies, but not working today. Might just be the heat too, it is amazing how hot my head feels with no hair in the heat, you would think it would be cooler, but felt very hot today.

Another friend, Karen, posted this on facebook and it is a good reminder to me and us all. 
Thank you also Karen for the beautiful, handmade bracelet you sent, love it! 

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