Here we go again....

In 2008, I was diagnosed with DCIS, the precursor to "REAL" breast cancer. Being young, I decided to take a very aggressive approach to this and opted for a bi-lateral mastectomy with reconstruction. No radiation, no chemo., no hormones & only a 1 % chance of reoccurance, seemed like a good percentage at the time, but not so much these days.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Shut Down & Hair

That's right people, I have been shut down!  I went in for bloodwork, as normal one week after checmo and 6 cdays after the Neulasta shot to see where my friends the WBC's were. I am feeling good and the family and Andy's office were all taking guesses about what the number would be. It ranged from the lowest at 4 (me) to as high as 7-8. I was, and still am, full of energy, how could if be lower?  well, it was. It was 1.7 , remember normal is 4-10. Yes, it is right, they re-ran the blood, there is no mistake. Guess I wanted to get Dr. Lemke's attention since she just walked by my when I was waiting for the results. With a count this low they do notify the Doctor. She still didn't come see me, she must be working to hard and didn't have time for the fun that is me, I forgive her this time. ANyways, you can give antibiotics as a preventative to not get sick, mostly would do that if you had symptoms, I didn't.

So, she just thinks the Neulasta shot is taking a bit longer to kick in, so we'll just shut me in and stay away from these guys. If I have to go out I will go out looking like this. I am not a germ a phobe, never have been, which is weird for a nurse, but I usually am pretty healthy, so it works for me, but I will try and be more mindful in my delicate 1.7 state.

Till this shut in is over, I will through down my Rupunzel wig and you can send me things that way! Cause it is on to the hair discussion which has been the changing highlight of the week!

                  H - A - I - R

I got it cut into a pixie on Thursday, TaaDaa . Didn't look as cute as anyone elses pixie i saw. My cowlick in the front was being mean to me.

Wore a Mraz hat on Saturday and it was very itchy and I kept doing pulling it out.
 I can't help it, I am a picker. scab picker, fingernail picker, even nose picker sometimes, so I picked and as  usually whenever I am picking anything, Andy yelled at me.

It seemed to slow down with it's own progress and I was getting bored with the pixie after 2 say. so we decided to shave it and Rex decided we should do a Mohawk. Why not, when am I going to do that again?

So, while in Tupper, Andy became  Antonio the Italian Tupper Barber and took me on as his first client. Full service shop, drinking and a cut.
Now I have part Mohawk in me. My great great great mother married a full blood, so a mohawk should look pretty good on me.

As you can see, Antonio was very serious and very gentle. He warmed the wash cloths in the microwave before placing the shaving cream on. He only burnt my head once as he forgot to test the hotness before placement, but that was pretty good for a first timer.

and Taa Daa,                                                                           alot of you have already seen the finished product on Facebook, but her is Sherie with her Mohawk!  So, it feels funny when you touch it. You have to make sure to rub it the right way or it is rough. It is cold with no hair. I can't believe the change in temperature with the lack of it up there. It is still falling out, but I got Rex his Mohawk, although he told me I could wear a baseball cap to his game, so seems he might not want his friends to see how cool I look! Now with the lock in, I couldn't even go to the game, so he lucked out, cause I am a rebel and might have had to show it off! 
Since most had seen the mohawk, I clearly had to shave it the rest of the way for today's blog. You needed new information. So got the kids off to school and went for it and TaaDaa, here it is. 

Very cold now and have started to learn how to wrap scarves around it. Although whenever I unwrap a long scarf I feel like Professor Snape and feel like Voldemart is going to be up there. (Thank you Harry Potter fans for getting that reference, sorry for the rest of you, go read Harry Potter!)                          
Well it seems I have to get out and tan my head, talk about white! Actually wait until you see what I have planned for next week! 
I still feel fine and I am getting alot done in the house, I have not napped or taken it easy, sorry, that day will come with the last 4 treatments, so let me be productive now! 


  1. You look hot as always! You've got great eyes and a perfect nose and mouth, so even without the hair you're attractive!!! Now me on the other, if I lost my hair with this ugly pug nose that I have, it would not compliment me...
    Keep germ free and have lots of santizer at the doors... Still in my prayers! (((Hands free HUGS)))! Love Ya!

  2. Love your Blog Sherie - Found you through my sister Trina (Goodrich) - keep fighting the good fight! You have a lot of fans and followers out here...
    Best -
    Pam Ireland
