Anyways, I continue to feel well, so well in fact, that I forgot to take my nausea meds I usually take prophylactically yesterday and I was awaken this morning at 5am with a wee bit of nausea. I got up, took the compazine and was back to bed and good to go again at 6:30pm for the day.
I realized I made a bunch of typos in the last blog, sorry. I will proof read from now on, they seemed to throw my mom off and I can't have her off, so I will be sure to be understandable from this point forward. Sometimes I just get so excited to share with you all that I just hit "publish" and then it is out of my hands. I will work on patience.
I also noticed I forgot to mention my Mother's Day present in the last blog. You may or may not know that I am part Mohawk Indian. You certainly know my new nickname is "Chemosabe". Well my husband and children presented me with an authentic, hand made by Cherokee women, War Head Dress to mark my heritage and my battle. The kids, Andy, and my parents came walking through the house, drums in hand, beating away, none of them in tune with the other to place this beautious thing on my head. I love it.It does remind me of Cher and the one she wore in her days, remember that?

I got out and ran errands today, felt fine. We are going to see Young Frankenstein in Syracuse tonight. Thanks for the prayers and worries, but I am going back up and you'll need to find something else to think about. Don't worry though, it is a waste of time. Live in the moment and enjoy it no matter what it is, it too shall pass and only sticks around the more you think about it!
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