Wow, how could I go a whole week since I blogged. We are settling in to a routine now and not as much is happening as quick as it was in the beginning. So, routine wise' I continue to get up early with kids and get breakfast and lunches and get them off to school. We tried me not doing this one day and everyone was still asleep at 7:30am, 5 minutes past when Rex usually leaves for school, so I am going to keep getting up early. I can nap after they leave if I need to. It is nice to keep that part of the normal routine normal for All of us. Once everyone is out of house, I leisurely do work on computer for Andy's businesses, laundry, clean, puzzle, read, sleep, walk the dog. Whatever I feel up to. Love the dinner's coming, I am usually tired & can't keep myself down by then.
The weeders came and got the front of the house weeded, they did a great job. I did visit with them and slow them down' but I did not do any work & I was feeling very guilty having them out there as I felt fine & love weeding. Their wrath was worse than my guilt at that point. Thanks ladies again for the great job, it looks awesome.
WHO'S 46?
Yes, I celebrated my 46th bday, hard to believe, but it is just a number. Andy & I went out for nice romantic dinner with another couple, we needed them to drive so we could get drunk, Andy did, I did not! It was good to relax and be normal. Thanks Marc & Shell! Thanks mother earth for the super moon too, that was a nice bday gift. Sunday we had a cinco de mayo birthday party with the whole family and more good friends. Thanks to Mesa Grande for the excellent food and all my peeps who brought even more food and cake, it was another beautiful day and we were able to celebrate outside. Thanks for all the great presents, a lot of hats & scarves, what's that about?
This my favorite hat I got from my bald Dad. It is a doo- rag with hair coming out the top that actually looks like my hair. You can see he already sports a similar style. I am going to color in the white with some more colors and cover up that forehead of mine, but this is a keeper!
Monday was chemo #2. Andy went for first part, but had to leave for meetings, so my mom was there too. Ruby ended up not feeling well, I think she wanted to come & that was her excuse, so she came along too. It went just as well as first time & time passed quick with everyone there. Ruby made a movie trailer of her experience. We are trying to get it up on the blog soon.
A bit of nausea in the evening, but nothing bad. Staying on top of the meds & they certainly help. Spirits remain up. I was thinking about that and someone else asked how I manage to stay so positive. I teach that to my patients & try to live it myself, the whole thinking positive thinking and living in the moment, but I have my days when it is harder and I break down and cry. I never really do it because I am angry about what happened, but more about how it is impacting my children and our lives. The thing I hate most about all this is the impact on my Husband, kids, parents, and sister. I can't imagine what it is like to feel so helpless and have to watch this happen to me, I have the easy part and that is what I hate about this and I am sorry to my family for that, that is why I fight so hard to make it be OK! Of, course, now that you are all probably crying like I am, I must say, starting an antidepressant medication, Pristiq, has also helped a lot.
I started that back in February before this even started as something wasn't right and it definitely has evened out my neurotransmitters. My Oncologist even said it is good for breast cancer because it doesn't interfere with estrogen receptors. Yeah Pristiq! This lady was bent over and sad before pristiq, now head high and moving forward. Samples welcome for the endorsement!
I am just going to say the Neulasta shot was the same as last time, but as it was close to Cinco De Mayo, lets just say it was this instead. If I was thinking, I should have brought these in and done them with the shot. The shot process took a bit longer this time as the hospital just switched over to electronic medical records (EMR) atleast that is what they were telling me. No worries, I came with an entourage and it went by just fine, here we are shooting the time.
and hence forth, from this 2nd chemo treatment and my declining brain I will be known as CHEMOSABE
Yes, you made me cry. And I don't have any Pristiq to help. No fair. Good thing you made me laugh, too. I may have to make a road trip to Skeaneatles soon. How the hell do you spell that anyway? Sigh.