Chemotherapy Round #6, Taxol # 2
My Momma escorted me into chemo today as Andy is away at boyscout camp. Got there at 10am, left at 5pm, these taxol days are longer. Each time I go for chemo I have to have blood drawn to makes sure counts are good. then I have a nurse visit, then I have a doctor visit, then I finally get back to the infusion area where we wait abit more as the chemo drugs are not prepared until all those other visits are done and I am deemed "good to go." So Dr. Lemke told me I wasn't winning any awards with my hematocrit and red blood cells, but she'd take em.She said I looked great. No Side effects to report from first Taxol other than funny taste when drinking liquids the first week, mild joint pain, fatigue.
Taxol - Smackxol- It's Resilience!
So I feel pretty great and feel like my body is being pretty darn good to me and fighting this medicine like a super girl. I don't like how I have had a good appetite and have gained ten lbs and I don't like naps and going to bed early, but I think that and taking the PRN meds as prescribed have really helped minimize the side effects.The Propax nutrition supplements, the green smoothies, the Cambucha, and just going at it head on haven't hurt either. They were talking about resilience on the Today show today during chemo and they said resilience is a persons ability to overcome and tackle obstacles as they arise in their lives with a positive, just another thing to do attitude, so I guess I got alot of resilience. They also said resilience can be learned, so thanks mom & dad, teachers, friends, colleagues, and patients who have taught me, and the rest of you who feel you need more, stick around, I am sending it through the blogoshere to you!

I am not one for sitting still for long periods of time. I started upright in the chair, then I got the legs up, then I started slinking down in the chair, my mom thought I was going to slide right out. I was kept busy by sewing, paperwork, tabloids, and words with friends, still losing I think. Anyways, the sitting there that long is the worst part about chemo for me and this was the end of the day, see not always smiling and happy!
And then I go and find research that says prolonged sitting kills you. It is like Rosanna Anna Danna use to say, If it's not one thing, it's another"
So, all went well, all is well, feeling good. Sorry I didn't blog much last week, but no news is good news. Working on boyscout stuff, a few fundraisers coming up I am helping with, and just doing normal stuff, at a slower pace, but doing it just the same. Also found time to hang at the lake and the pool with friends and family and just relaxed in the beautiful weather in our beautiful town.
No words of wisdom tonight, but this picture sums it up. Thanks to my cousin Barb for sending it early on, it continues to motivate me and remind me to use the shake weight every now and then!